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And at the same time the old render would still have to be present as choice (+ details reductions) so the people with weaker HW would still be able to play. And that is very unlikely, cause it would mean jump from old tech not to previous or current one, but future one (as no mmo so far utilities those API's). It is possible to render that smooth, but they would have to move to DX12 Or OpenGL Vulkan API. If they would just increase the poly count to the level visible on that video (the textures do not matter they will just consume more RAM/Vram), the current engine would fail misserably and it would turn to slideshow when many people are on the screen (look at Tera, Bns, Bless, they run in to this exactly same issue of having high poly characters in outdated engine). So the number of drawcalls is low enough that the old API can process it and as a result it is runnable even on very old machines.

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The models are low-poly and there is also aggressive LOD system. The number of polygons on the screen is low. Visuals the same, they are cca 2006-8 standard. It is 32-bit DX9 engine that could have been made 10+ years ago. Graphics are important! Who would play if your loli does not look good right? Now, this overhaul is not probable.

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